Saturday, 18 February 2012

The Kite Runner - Chapter 15

Key Events -
- Journey to Rahim Khan's home
- We find out that Rahim Khan is dying. (Same symptoms as Baba - highlights the loss of a second father)
- Hassan is brought back into the novel

How does Hosseini tell the story? -
- At the beginning of the chapter, Hosseini uses multi-sensory description and takes his time to describe the scenery in significant detail and by doing this it shows the contrast between how things have changed since Amir's time in America.
- Hosseini makes reference to Amir's past in America when discussing cliché's in relation to the 'elephant in the room' with Amir and Rahim Khan.
- Like most chapters both languages are used however more words are italicised to show how Amir is no longer in America but back in his home country of Afghanistan.
- 'Then a thing made of skin and bones pretending to be Rahim Khan opened the door' - This sentence is separated from the rest of the novel giving the reader time to acknowledge the difference in the country Amir used to know which is in comparison to how Amir hasn't changed, how he still lives in the past.

Key Quotes -
- 'Then a thing made of skin and bones pretending to be Rahim Khan opened the door'
- 'The news had reached Kabul and he had called' - When talking about Baba's death.
- 'Rahim Khan had always been one of the most instinctive people I'd ever met'
- "You sounded like your father just now"

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