Tuesday, 14 February 2012

the kite runner - chapter 21

The Kite Runner- chapter 21

Key events

  • Amir returns to the Wazir Akbar Khan district accompanied by Farid 
  • Amir visits his old house for the first time since he had left Kabul
  • at the football match Amir has a meeting set up for him with the ' Talib in sunglasses' as this is who Amir believes has Sohrab 
Chapter 21 begins with Amir returning to the Wazir Akbar Khan area of Kabul. On arrival Amir notices clear differences from what he remembered and what the area is like now, for example 'a haze of dust covered the city and its sun-dried brick buildings'.
The chapter then progresses as Amir returns to his old house. Here we get the sense that Amir is looking back into his past and thinking about all the things that he had done at the house with Hassan or Baba. 
At the football match a man and woman were brought out at half time onto the pitch. the man, blindfolded, was put into a specially dug hole and was then stoned  by the Talib in the black sunglasses until he died. At the end of the chapter Farid organises a meeting for Amir with the 'Talib in sunglasses'

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